Among the examples of cultural heritage created by the peoples of Central Asia, rock paintings are considered the most valuable sources, they are works of historical art written on Stone. Today in the Central Asian region, the addresses of more than 1300 rock paintings have been identified and taken into account. About 250 of them are located in Uzbekistan. But even so, among the rock paintings found in Central Asia, the siypantosh monument is worthy of special attention and respect with its antiquity and its vital work in a unique way.   The monument is located in the Karatoghagbag of Zarafshan mountaineering, on the territory of Kuruksoy village in the Chirakchi District of Kashkadarya region.  Sipantosh rock paintings originally at R in 2001. X. Identified by suleymov.(Picture 1)

Employees of the National Archaeological Center of the monument today t.f.n. M. Khujanazarov and researcher X. As a result of the Re-study by Oynazarov, new rock paintings were identified from around the Sipantosh. The new findings were found at an altitude of 400-500 m above the Sipantos, from the surroundings of the fountain, which the local population called Agbulak (2-3 photos). Approximately 2-3 km north of sipantos, 100-150 m west of the Khujavulmirbaraka cemetery also identified new rock paintings (Figure 4).

These pictures depicts people, animals, arrow arcs, various geometrical characters, in which there is a precipitate in the rock. As a result of the research, it was found that more Taiga species were reflected in the rock paintings. The second set of new findings is drawn with a red ocher on the ceiling of a veranda formed inside a large stone. The picture depicts the hand paws (picture 4). We can see that the pictures of the hand claws found in this are similar to the hand claws in the Sipantosh. New pictures found around the sipantosh indicate that the sipantosh rock paintings are ancient. They also serve as a scientific resource in the study of the mythological and religious worldview, imagination of the ancient population. The monument continues its research work.

















