Science Action Plan

Concept for the development of science until 2030. Measures to be taken at the National Center of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2022.



Action name

Mechanism of realisation


Executors and responsible persons

I. Improving the management system in the field of science


Participation in the state scientific and technical expertise of the local scientific potential in conducting an independent scientific audit of the priorities for the development of science.

Participate in the formation of technical specifications and an application for a scientific audit.


Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Formation of the rating system of divisions of a scientific organization

1. Approval of the methodology for calculating the rating of departments.

2. Compile and publish the rating of the departments.

November 2020

Every December

Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Reforming the management system of the Center.

1. Appointment of a leading young specialist in leading scientific departments and the introduction of the position of chief scientific consultant in the apparatus of the Academic Council

2. Appointment of new leaders and their training at the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. Regular training of leaders.

December 2020

January-March 2021


Once a year


Creation and functioning of the "Society of Archaeologists of Uzbekistan" as a non-governmental non-profit organization in the field of archeology.

1. Formation of a list of important areas of research and scientific schools of archeology;

2. Creation of the Society of Archaeologists of Uzbekistan, December

December 2020

February 2021

Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments

II. Improvement of the system of financing science and research activities and diversification of funding sources


To expand the volume of funding for research projects in departments on a par with the private sector and industry organizations.

Participation in competitions with thematic projects aimed at solving the problems of enterprises within the framework of state orders with the private sector and industry organizations.


Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Establishment of attracting grants and technical assistance from foreign donors for research activities

1. Development of interaction with foreign partner organizations;

2. Introduce a system in which each department collaborates with research centers that conduct research in their field.




Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Commentary on the draft Government Decree, which, based on the results of studying the best international and domestic experience, provides for the approval:

Regulation on the procedure for planning, financing and accounting for projects within the framework of state scientific and technical programs implemented at the expense of the state budget;

Regulation on the procedure for the main financing of state scientific organizations at the expense of the state budget

1. Recommend a qualified specialist to the working group.

2. Participate in the development of the draft resolution

December 2020

III. Training of highly qualified scientific and engineering personnel and their orientation towards scientific activity.


Participate in the implementation of a mechanism for targeted training of scientific personnel in priority scientific areas.

1. To participate in the definition of priority research areas in the training of doctors of science, in the study of the need for scientific personnel in these areas and the potential of universities and scientific organizations in their training.

2. Participate in targeted training of scientific personnel in priority scientific areas based on the research results.

January 2021

Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Participate in the implementation of a system of creative and material incentives for scientists, the development of a social package aimed at increasing the status of researchers.

1. Participate in the study of the best world practices of creative and financial incentives for scientists.

2. Participate in the development of proposals for the implementation of a system of creative and material incentives for scientists based on foreign experience, raising the status of researchers.

3. To participate in ensuring the participation of domestic, foreign scientific and engineering personnel in the development of science.

Decedmber 2020

February 2021



Participation in the implementation of the practice of training new highly qualified scientific personnel in state scientific organizations.

Comment on the draft regulatory document on the availability of post-doctoral experience in obtaining the titles of associate professor and professor: the introduction of strategic personnel management;

drawing up a new schedule of positions;

ensuring competitive wages.

March 2021


Participate in retraining and continuous professional development of specialists

1. Ensuring participation in various training courses for English language learners.

2. Ensuring the participation of talented young scientists in internships and advanced training in leading foreign research centers, their participation in international scientific and technical conferences and research projects, the publication of scientific papers at the expense of the Fund for Support of Innovative Development and Innovative Ideas. and the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation provide assistance

3. Participate in professional trainings for researchers and scientists.


Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Improving the monitoring system of the institute for the training of scientific personnel (doctoral studies)

Monitoring of the institute of scientific training (doctoral studies) and its transfer to the electronic system



Training of highly qualified scientific personnel using the potential and material and technical base of scientific organizations.

1. Further improvement of legal mechanisms for the involvement and encouragement of scientists from scientific organizations in the educational process.

2. Conclusion of contracts with higher educational institutions for the organization of laboratory practice in the educational process of bachelors and masters of the relevant specialty.


Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments

IV. Creation of modern infrastructure for the development of science


Equipping scientific laboratories of scientific organizations and universities with modern equipment.

1. At least 40% of the funds allocated for scientific projects approved on the basis of the state order should be directed to the material and technical base.

2. Formation and submission of applications to the Min. innovative development to create laboratories with modern scientific equipment.


Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Phased organization of collectively used scientific laboratories and modern laboratory complexes equipped with world-class GLP and GMP equipment in priority areas of scientific development.

1. Organization of events dedicated to the discussion of the needs and requirements of scientific organizations.

2. Preparation of proposals for directions and appointment of laboratory personnel.

3. Formation of a portfolio of projects implemented in laboratories.

4. Formation of technical conditions for the purchase of equipment through government procurement.

5. Attract investments for the purchase of equipment, create laboratories and ensure their performance.

December 2020

March 2021

September 2021

October 2021

November 2021

Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Participation in the approval of the Strategy for innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2030.

Commenting on the draft strategy for innovative development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2022-2030.

August  2021

Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Participate in the development of scientific and technical research and analysis to fulfill the tasks set in the Concept for the Development of Science until 2030, to achieve relevant indicators, as well as to apply scientific advances abroad in the context of Uzbekistan.

1. Ensuring the participation of a qualified specialist in the working group created to develop a system of scientific and technical research and analysis.

2. Comment on the draft program of measures for the development of scientific and technical research and analysis.

Nowember 2020

December  2020

Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments

V. Formation of a modern information environment conducive to the development of science


Participate in the creation of the National Science Portal, which contains all the information about the scientific potential of the country.

1. Participate in the creation of the National Science Portal, which contains all information about the scientific potential of the country.

2. Participate in the implementation of a system for automatic filing and registration of applications for funding research projects.

March 2021

June 2021

Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Participation in the assessment of the scientific and technical potential of the center.

When analyzing the state of science and trends in its development, identify and analyze the "strengths and weaknesses" of the local scientific and technical potential, recommend candidates to the Working Groups.

December 2020

Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Participation in forecasting scientific and technological progress.

1. Participate in determining the relevance of research results in our country and abroad.

2. Participate in defining national priorities for scientific and technological development.

Nowember 2020

December 2020

Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Increase in the number of publications in prestigious international scientific and technical databases

1. Identification of scientific journals with high potential for inclusion in authoritative international scientific and technical databases and participation in the organizational work for their inclusion in these databases.

2. Registration of information about researchers in authoritative international scientific and technical databases.

3. Participate in targeting scientific journals for inclusion in authoritative international scientific and technical databases through the dissemination of articles published by scientists.


Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments


Providing scientific organizations with special electronic programs for research, data analysis and digital modeling.

1. Conclusion of contracts for the formation of a list of required software and a set of electronic programs.

2. Financing of purchases of software products by research organizations on the basis of a list formed at the expense of special funds.

3. Take measures to ensure continuous updating of electronic programs purchased and installed in research institutions - updating the relevant licenses and permits.

Nowember  2020

Director of the Center, Deputy Director for Research, Scientific Secretary, Heads of Departments

